We Are Together
In Wellness
About Us

“As a primary care physician in Madison for over 20 years, I saw first-hand the limitations of traditional “Western” medicine, with its emphasis on treating disease instead of promoting health, and the impact of socioeconomic disparities on a person’s and community’s well-being. I chose to be a part of Be Well Madison in order to improve the health of my community, especially those that are traditionally marginalized. I hope to offer my experience/perspective as a physician to collaborate with like-minded practitioners.”
– Dr. Heidi Eimermann, Whole You Acupuncture
Past Initiatives:
The Impact of Long COVID Within Madison’s Marginalized and Low Income Communities
This project was conducted from September 2022 through April 2023. In support from a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Human Services, we developed a community-based survey and focus group project that advocated for understanding the long COVID-related topics such as symptoms, impacts, needs, and access barriers. It utilized quantitative and qualitative methods, including a community survey of 191 community members done in English, Spanish and Hmong. The 4 focus groups, done with community-based stakeholders, reflected on the survey results and discussed potential future recommendations.
Summary Highlights:
Self-Reported Survey Findings:
- 76.44% of individuals had COVID-19
- 76% had a family member with COVID-19
- 50.7% reported at least one long COVID symptom
Biggest Barriers to Services Findings:
- 41.4% cost or financial issues
- 32.5% lack of time
- 21.5% transportation
Most Requested Services Findings:
- 49.7% mental health counseling
- 40.8% physical movement
- 35.6% stress reduction techniques
Key Focus Group Findings:
- Survey findings reflect what they see with their residents
- Continue and deepen our research on this issue
- Prioritize building trust between providers and residents

Throughout the summer of 2021, we co-created 4 Live Well @ Your Library wellness events held at different neighborhood branches. These events centered on equitable access to resources, BIPOC practitioners offering wellness services, and listening and learning through community conversations.
We also conducted a community survey. Here are results from our question: “What services would you like to have offered in your neighborhood?”

Be Well Madison is coordinated by Jamie Pekarek Krohn and Jess Parvin.